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Prevent Awareness for Schools and Colleges This course is for school and college staff and is aimed to help give them an awareness and understanding of the UK government 'Prevent Duty' that is placed upon their Educational Organisation for them to have due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into extremism. Certificate of attendance issued. |
Booking line & School INSET, call 01992 787242 OR take course Online > click here
line with UK government requirements for schools to help prevent young people
being drawn into extremism and radicalisation, Prevent awareness training is
required for all school and college staff, including but not limited to teaching
and support staff, office staff, everyone who works or volunteers at a school
or college. This is also useful for those who are involved in the recruitment
of educational staff and volunteers, plus international schools and colleges
who would like to follow the UK framework.
Email andyd@graffhamconsulting.com or call 01992 787242.
the Prevent duty and the school’s responsibilities
the risks and threats both nationally and locally
judgement skills in relation to those who may be vulnerable to radicalisation
Develop an
understanding of the ‘grey areas’
Gain an
awareness of Prevent priorities and actions needed
Develop ideas
for prevention of radicalisation and extremism within school and college
the duties within the Counter Terrorism and Security Act 2015
knowledge of extremism in the UK context
vulnerable pupils/students
risk assessment and management in this context
Be able to
incorporate Prevent into existing safeguarding activities
Write or
revise school policies to incorporate Prevent
Describe how
the school is safeguarding children in the Prevent context
aspects of an implementation plan for the school
Aims and
learning outcomes
Background, scale
of the issue, CONTEST, Prevent
Prevent objectives
The Prevent duty for schools and colleges:
Fundamental British values
Prevent duty as part of school safeguarding
Prevent duty in policies
What are the risks and threats?
Who is at risk?
What am I looking out for?
How do I report?
Channel, referrals, support, people unsuitable for Channel
What can we do?
Planning within school
Department for Education (DFE) helpline
For your next INSET:
Please call 01992 787242 or email andyd@graffhamconsulting.com
What is the Prevent Duty?
Released by the Government in March 2015, legal duty from 1st July 2015
Statutory duty under the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015
The Prevent duty places a duty on schools, early years providers, further and higher education providers as well as other agencies to “have due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism”.
Four key areas:
Focus: building children’s resilience to radicalisation
Staff training is statutory for all staff, like safeguarding training
“Workshop to Raise Awareness around Prevent” (WRAP) is Home Office developed and approved training
July 2015: further guidance from the Department for Education (DfE) to help clarify the role of schools under the Prevent duty. It complements statutory guidance and explains:
Other points
Prevent duty should not be ‘burdensome': existing safeguarding procedures should be used because extremism and radicalisation are safeguarding concerns (DfE).
Local Safeguarding Children Boards (LSCBs) will eventually include radicalisation and extremism in threshold documents.
No requirement for schools to ‘carry out unnecessary intrusion into family life’ and schools are encouraged to act ‘proportionately’
Parents retain right to withdraw children from RE teaching but schools have duty to ensure children understand UK religious and ethnic diversity.
“There is no single way of identifying who is likely to be vulnerable to being drawn into terrorism. Factors that may have a bearing on someone becoming vulnerable may include: peer pressure, influence from other people or via the internet, bullying, crime against them or their involvement in crime, anti social behaviour, family tensions, race/hate crime, lack of self esteem or identity and personal or political grievances.” (HM Government 2015)
For school staff:
The duty should be read in conjunction with current inspection standards
If you have a concern:
The Prevent duty places a duty on schools, early years providers, further and higher education providers as well as other agencies to “have due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism”.
This course is for school and college staff and is aimed to help give them an awareness and understanding of the UK government 'Prevent Duty' that is placed upon their Educational Organisation for the to “have due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism”
Looking for the Online Version of Prevent Awareness for Schools and Colleges?
Click here
Royal Ballet School
'The trainer was brilliant, I learnt everything I needed to know. I found the day interesting, informative, and very enjoyable. The course surpassed my expectations, I learnt to be more aware and thorough, and to know my responsibilities. The course was definitely value for money.'
BBC Clubs
'The trainer was excellent, great communication, knowledge, and explained every detail. The sessions included a lot of useful explanations of issues and topics. The course very much met my expectations, very much value for money.'
Braeside School
'The trainer was excellent and I learnt good practical advice on how to proceed. The sessions were very useful and this Child Protection course will enable me to take up my role in September. The course was value for money.'
'The sessions were very good. The trainer was informative and there was a strong interaction with the students. The venue, refreshments and food were very good and the course was value for money.'
London Independent Hospital
'The course more than met my expectations, to gain more understanding of the whole realm of child protection. I learnt loads. The sessions were very useful, the trainer was really good and I loved the interaction'
Glenarm College
'The trainer was excellent, I can't wait to do level 2. All the sessions were useful and I learnt more about Child Protection issues and how to deal with them. The course was value for money.'
Pavilion Nursery
'Excellent Trainer. I really did get a lot out of this.'
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